An Analysis of Value-Added of Seaweed Products as An Efforts to Improve Public Welfare in Bantaeng District

Author: Soraya Ramadani, Hamzah, Sitti Fakhriyyah

ijeab doi crossref DOI: 10.22161/ijeab.54.5

Keyword: products, seaweed, value-added, SMEs, production.

Abstract: This study aims to quantify the revenue and analyze the value-added seaweed crackers product of SMEs A and SMEs B in Bantaeng District by using the income formula and the value-added revenue method. The results shows that SMEs A gains higher revenues amounted IDR 1.618.862 than SMEs B, which get the most revenue IDR. 885.250. It is influenced by the type of product, activities production, capital, and marketing. Meanwhile, the ratio of the value-added of SMEs A was also higher by 91.30%, with a profit rate of 98.54% compared to 88.43% for SMEs B by a margin of 98.43%. It can be assumed that the seaweed cracker business can improve the incomes and public welfare in Bantaeng.

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Soraya Ramadani, Hamzah, Sitti Fakhriyyah et al."An Analysis of Value-Added of Seaweed Products as An Efforts to Improve Public Welfare in Bantaeng District". International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology(ISSN: 2456-1878),vol 5, no. 4, 2020, pp.0878-0881 AI Publications doi:10.22161/ijeab.54.5


Soraya Ramadani, Hamzah, Sitti Fakhriyyah, P.(2020).An Analysis of Value-Added of Seaweed Products as An Efforts to Improve Public Welfare in Bantaeng District. International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology(ISSN: 2456-1878).5(4), 0878-0881.10.22161/ijeab.54.5


Soraya Ramadani, Hamzah, Sitti Fakhriyyah, P.(2020).An Analysis of Value-Added of Seaweed Products as An Efforts to Improve Public Welfare in Bantaeng District. International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology(ISSN: 2456-1878).5(4), pp.0878-0881.


Soraya Ramadani, Hamzah, Sitti Fakhriyyah. 2020."An Analysis of Value-Added of Seaweed Products as An Efforts to Improve Public Welfare in Bantaeng District". International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology(ISSN: 2456-1878).5(4):0878-0881.Doi:10.22161/ijeab.54.5


Soraya Ramadani, Hamzah, Sitti Fakhriyyah."An Analysis of Value-Added of Seaweed Products as An Efforts to Improve Public Welfare in Bantaeng District", International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology,vol.5,no. 4, pp.0878-0881,2020.


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