How to publish your research paper in an international journal
International journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) publish research paper of related fields. We give you a platform to share and broadcast your knowledge publically DOI (Digital Object Identifier). The paper published by authors are easily available, and online readable. IJEAB is an open access online journal that accepts the worldwide papers of professional researchers. We accept short communication articles, research paper, Review or survey papers.
The process of paper publishing is a below:
- Layout/Formatting
Your research paper that you are going to submit should follow the same format that is mentioned in journal. Whether you are submitting survey paper there is the same criteria. If the publisher found the final paper version not matched, it will go in rejection phase.
- Author’s Guidelines
Every journal have their own rules and regulations that the author need to follow. If you follow the below guidelines your submission / publishing process will take no time.
- Paper with clear objective and high quality papers are allowed for publication.
- Research paper that are clearly polished and have follow plagiarism policy of journal is accepted.
- Exact format.
- Survey Paper, Short Communication Notes or other articles related to the mentioned field are acceptable.
- Your research work is written in English and not exceed the limit.
- Author will get the confirmation mail of publication, acceptance or rejection of paper.
- Article Submission
Authors or scholars are requested to fill the required fields while submitting paper online and complete all the necessary details that yield the Paper-ID. In case of modification you can submit the article online or at or
- Assigning Reviewers
Reviewers are assigned by editor for review the final paper. In case if the reviewers found them incongruous for the related research work they can request for decline the duty. For each paper two or one reviewers are consigned. Their role is check whether the paper meets the instruction and have no modification. The detail of author’s are confidential and no one have right to disclose it without Editor-in-Chief Permission.
- Reviewers Decision
The entire decision of rejection, acceptance or acceptance with modification is depend on the reviewers. They confer with editor and co-reviewers and if they found unethical behavior your research work. Authors may asked to send their related work or raw matter along with research paper.
- Author’s Review
In case paper is ‘accepted with modification’, the reviewers remark the comments and send it to the author via editor for modification. Author will review the paper once more and change it according to the comments.
If paper is accepted then need to follow step 10.
- Received Paper after required modification
The updated version of paper is directed to the reviewer and reviewers are asked to send the confirmation mail to author after getting the modified research paper.
- Feedback by Editorial Team
Accept the comment given by editorial team and try to improve or expand your research work.
- Further Pronouncements
Discussion is held between editors and reviewers with other team and if they find the work is appropriate and have no plagiarism, have significance objective is accepted for publication.
- Publication
If paper is accepted then it will be online within 24 hours of confirmation and publication copy is sent to the author. Make sure before the publication phase you have completed all the necessity details. Meanwhile Meta data will be submitted to CrossRef for DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
Furthermore your paper is available publically with DOI and readers can download or read the paper online.