Elaboration of a key to the determination of indigenous figs in North-West Morocco

Author: El Oualkadi A, Hajjaj B

ijeab doi crossref DOI: 10.22161/ijeab.45.47

Keyword: Ficus carica L., Northwest Morocco, indigenous, key determination.

Abstract: Morocco, with its pedoclimatic potential, is a natural habitat for the fig tree, especially the autochthonous fig tree are the genetic diversity remains to be highlighted. In this work a study has been made of the characters that best differentiate autochthonous figs from northwestern Morocco. To establish our determination key, we proceeded to a hierarchy of characters to use. For this, we have based essentially on the practical aspect of the characters, that is to say the characters easy and obvious observation and whose different states are also easy to observe and appreciate.

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El Oualkadi A, Hajjaj B et al."Elaboration of a key to the determination of indigenous figs in North-West Morocco". International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology(ISSN: 2456-1878),vol 4, no. 5, 2019, pp.1589-1595 AI Publications doi:10.22161/ijeab.45.47


El Oualkadi A, Hajjaj B, P.(2019).Elaboration of a key to the determination of indigenous figs in North-West Morocco. International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology(ISSN: 2456-1878).4(5), 1589-1595.10.22161/ijeab.45.47


El Oualkadi A, Hajjaj B, P.(2019).Elaboration of a key to the determination of indigenous figs in North-West Morocco. International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology(ISSN: 2456-1878).4(5), pp.1589-1595.


El Oualkadi A, Hajjaj B. 2019."Elaboration of a key to the determination of indigenous figs in North-West Morocco". International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology(ISSN: 2456-1878).4(5):1589-1595.Doi:10.22161/ijeab.45.47


El Oualkadi A, Hajjaj B."Elaboration of a key to the determination of indigenous figs in North-West Morocco", International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology,vol.4,no. 5, pp.1589-1595,2019.


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