Limited impact of climate change on seed maturation time in Myrica esculenta Buch-Ham. Ex. D.Don in Himalayan region

Author: Shruti Shah, Ashish Tewari

ijeab doi crossref DOI: 10.22161/ijeab/1.4.13

Keyword: Maturity, Phenology, Germination, Moisture content

Abstract: Climate influences plant recruitment at a global scale. Asynchronized reproduction with climatic factors may lead to failure of regeneration. The object of the present study was to monitor flowering and fruiting phenology in one important under canopy forest species Myrica esculenta, Buch-Ham. Ex. D.Don of the Himalayan region. The study was undertaken at two times across a decade on similar sites 2004 and 2013. Variation in time of fruiting and flowering was insignificant between 2004 and 2013. In Yr 2004 across all the dates the fruits and seeds were bigger in size in compared to Yr 2013 but there was no significant difference in fruit size, weight of 100 fruits and number of fruits per 100g. However, seed size (P<0.01), weight of 100 seeds (P<0.05) and number of seeds per 100g (P<0.05) varied significantly in Yr 2004 and Yr 2013. In Yr 2013 maximum germination 63.33± 3.33% occurred when fruit moisture content was 69.48 ± 0.93% and moisture content of seed was 31.96 ± 0.94%. ANOVA showed that moisture content of fruit and moisture content of seed (P<0.01) varied significantly across the years whereas there was no significant difference in germination in both the years. It was apparent from the study that each species will respond differently and have its own adaptation strategy against changing climate. Generalizing, that all species will show variations in their phenophases due to climate change may be an incorrect assumption. It is evident that all species will develop their own adaptational strategies to cope with climatic irregularities.

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Shruti Shah, Ashish Tewari et al."Limited impact of climate change on seed maturation time in Myrica esculenta Buch-Ham. Ex. D.Don in Himalayan region". International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology(ISSN: 2456-1878),vol 1, no. 4, 2016, pp.0713-0717 AI Publications doi:10.22161/ijeab/1.4.13


Shruti Shah, Ashish Tewari, P.(2016).Limited impact of climate change on seed maturation time in Myrica esculenta Buch-Ham. Ex. D.Don in Himalayan region. International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology(ISSN: 2456-1878).1(4), 0713-0717.10.22161/ijeab/1.4.13


Shruti Shah, Ashish Tewari, P.(2016).Limited impact of climate change on seed maturation time in Myrica esculenta Buch-Ham. Ex. D.Don in Himalayan region. International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology(ISSN: 2456-1878).1(4), pp.0713-0717.


Shruti Shah, Ashish Tewari. 2016."Limited impact of climate change on seed maturation time in Myrica esculenta Buch-Ham. Ex. D.Don in Himalayan region". International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology(ISSN: 2456-1878).1(4):0713-0717.Doi:10.22161/ijeab/1.4.13


Shruti Shah, Ashish Tewari."Limited impact of climate change on seed maturation time in Myrica esculenta Buch-Ham. Ex. D.Don in Himalayan region", International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology,vol.1,no. 4, pp.0713-0717,2016.


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