Performance Analysis of Purse Seine with FADs and without FADs at Lappa Fishing Port, Sinjai Regency

Author: Dewi Febriani Hamjan, Achmar Mallawa, Musbir

ijeab doi crossref DOI: 10.22161/ijeab.55.24

Keyword: Purse Seine, Biological Aspects, Technological Aspects, Economic Aspects, Social Aspects.

Abstract: The purposed of this research is to analyze the performance of purse seine fishing gear operated on FADs and purse seines that hunt schools of fish (without FADs) based on four aspects of performance (biological, technical, social, economic) . This research method is a survey method, taking 10 samples of each of the FAD purse seines and without FADs and analyzed using the scoring method through the biological, technical, socio-cultural and economic performance approaches. The results obtained by performed the FAD purse seine and non-FAD purse seine were in good enough criteria, namely ≥ 50 - 75%. In general, the performance of the two fishing gear units did not have a significant difference, because there were similarities and differences that did not greatly differ from each aspect of the performance review. Based on the biological aspects, the performance of purse seine without FADs is better than that of the purse seine using FADs because catch fish with a suitable size and uniform species. whereas based on the economic and technical aspects, the performance of purse seine using FADs is better than purse seine without FADs. This is due to higher catch production and income. Based on the social aspect, the performance of both of them has no difference.

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Dewi Febriani Hamjan, Achmar Mallawa, Musbir et al."Performance Analysis of Purse Seine with FADs and without FADs at Lappa Fishing Port, Sinjai Regency ". International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology(ISSN: 2456-1878),vol 5, no. 5, 2020, pp.1362-1371 AI Publications doi:10.22161/ijeab.55.24


Dewi Febriani Hamjan, Achmar Mallawa, Musbir, P.(2020).Performance Analysis of Purse Seine with FADs and without FADs at Lappa Fishing Port, Sinjai Regency . International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology(ISSN: 2456-1878).5(5), 1362-1371.10.22161/ijeab.55.24


Dewi Febriani Hamjan, Achmar Mallawa, Musbir, P.(2020).Performance Analysis of Purse Seine with FADs and without FADs at Lappa Fishing Port, Sinjai Regency . International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology(ISSN: 2456-1878).5(5), pp.1362-1371.


Dewi Febriani Hamjan, Achmar Mallawa, Musbir. 2020."Performance Analysis of Purse Seine with FADs and without FADs at Lappa Fishing Port, Sinjai Regency ". International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology(ISSN: 2456-1878).5(5):1362-1371.Doi:10.22161/ijeab.55.24


Dewi Febriani Hamjan, Achmar Mallawa, Musbir."Performance Analysis of Purse Seine with FADs and without FADs at Lappa Fishing Port, Sinjai Regency ", International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology,vol.5,no. 5, pp.1362-1371,2020.


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