Development of Indices for Effectiveness of Renewable Energy Technologies Impacting Change in Quality of Life of Rural Residents

Author: Supriya, Sushma Goel, Pradeep Chandra Pant

ijeab doi crossref DOI: 10.22161/ijeab/2.4.32

Keyword: Renewables, Sustainable energy, Rural households, Energy-use pattern, Solar energy.

Abstract: The history of economic development is on the cost of ecology rather than the sustaining environment and development. The countries that became centrally located in the stream of economic exchanges among people around the world impacted the environment in the long run. Newspapers and editorials include environmental horror stories almost on a daily basis and demand better management of natural resources (Jangu, 2014). But who is listening? The environment is not just lush green trees, threated plant and animal species. It is the entity on which humans primarily exist, and agricultural and industrial development depends. Development on the cost of the environment can never be sustainable rather it would take us to a point causing enormous ecological losses and human sufferings primarily because of the present rate of development in developing countries. In order to contribute to the overall development in India, access to modern energy and cleaner fuel for rural households is important. The Brundtland Commission in its 1987 report ‘Our Common Future’ coined the most quoted definition of the term sustainable development, i.e., development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs (Mathur and Goswami, 2016). Sustainable production and consumption of resources helps to satisfy necessities of life such as nutritious food, good health, clean water and sanitation, clean energy, education, employment creating sustainable communities while combating climate change. Having a negative energy balance for decades, India is forced to purchase energy from other countries to fulfil the needs of the entire country. Hence, energy access is an important component of poverty alleviation and an indispensable element of sustainable human development. Government of India has initiated numerous development programmes focussing on providing sustainable energy solutions to rural communities often deprived of clean and uninterrupted energy supply for their daily energy requirements. The study entitled ‘Renewable Energy Options among Rural Households’ was conducted in Haryana and Himachal Pradesh states. The outcomes of the study provide a roadmap for future programmes promoting the use of clean, efficient and modern energy technologies, to be implemented more effectively. Findings would further benefit the primary and secondary key stakeholders involved in research and development, formulation of policies and regulations, promoting sale and purchase and provide financial assistance to future energy programmes meant to popularize the use of Renewable Energy Technologies.

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Supriya, Sushma Goel, Pradeep Chandra Pant et al."Development of Indices for Effectiveness of Renewable Energy Technologies Impacting Change in Quality of Life of Rural Residents". International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology(ISSN: 2456-1878),vol 2, no. 4, 2017, pp.1708-1725 AI Publications doi:10.22161/ijeab/2.4.32


Supriya, Sushma Goel, Pradeep Chandra Pant, P.(2017).Development of Indices for Effectiveness of Renewable Energy Technologies Impacting Change in Quality of Life of Rural Residents. International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology(ISSN: 2456-1878).2(4), 1708-1725.10.22161/ijeab/2.4.32


Supriya, Sushma Goel, Pradeep Chandra Pant, P.(2017).Development of Indices for Effectiveness of Renewable Energy Technologies Impacting Change in Quality of Life of Rural Residents. International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology(ISSN: 2456-1878).2(4), pp.1708-1725.


Supriya, Sushma Goel, Pradeep Chandra Pant. 2017."Development of Indices for Effectiveness of Renewable Energy Technologies Impacting Change in Quality of Life of Rural Residents". International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology(ISSN: 2456-1878).2(4):1708-1725.Doi:10.22161/ijeab/2.4.32


Supriya, Sushma Goel, Pradeep Chandra Pant."Development of Indices for Effectiveness of Renewable Energy Technologies Impacting Change in Quality of Life of Rural Residents", International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology,vol.2,no. 4, pp.1708-1725,2017.


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